Thursday 27 October 2016

17Oct2016 update

Hello everyone. 

Just a note to let you know that I don’t have any indication at this time what we might expect for the currencies we are interested in.  I am writing a post to address the many who are wondering whether or not I have any news, as I haven't posted anything for some while.

I’ve noted at times that I was told personally in Feb 2015 that we weren’t likely to see anything of a revaluation of the dinar and dong, especially associated with a private contract for the unusual purchase thereof by certain Chinese buyers, for 1-5 years.  Where are we at now?  It’s now October 2016.  That’s about a year and a half ago.  But then will it ever happen as planned and purported?  I wonder.  Some tell me no it won’t be like we expect.  Others tell me that we’ll be able to expect a private contract with the big group.  I would like it if we do get to come into long, green grass for our life works to come into more full swing.  Really, I just don't know what to think about it.  I feel that it will be somehow a better world moving forward because we choose that for our common experience.  How that will come to pass is not as important to me.  This currency opportunity has been an oddity from the first that I heard of it.  We will know what happened in time.  Right now I am certainly not in a position of knowing about it.  I would love to know more what it's all about and what we might expect.

I’m still working on project funding sources.  I don’t talk about it much because until something comes solid it’s a bit pointless to make it seem like something is coming now when it could be who knows how long from now.  I use my excitement as my guide in a way that that works well for me to end up in the right place at the right time consistently.  May it pay off for project funding for those of you who have come to me for help in that area.

If I do have something that I can share I will share it here.  Please just keep an eye on this or enter an email so that you get automatic updates when I post.  I do not plan to post here regularly.  Unless I have something to share I won't tend to post anything. 

I have this blog set to require all comments to be approved.  I do get your comments if you write something, but they may not show up ever.  Thank you to those who have sent me notes of thanks for posting what I can.  Your kind words are well received.


Sunday 18 September 2016

A good summation of Wiley Morgan's messages

On 18/09/2016, at 8:41 AM
> > Posted Today, 10:15 AM ~ from Wiley Morgan
> I tried to give the dinar community the truth. I was met with disbelief and suspicion about what many never knew was going on. I have seen many intel providers latch onto the same subject matter as if they too were involved when I knew they were not.
> One week the guru call of the week says they are part of the process and the week next states they do not understand the process. How can this be if they are truly involved?
> I stuck my neck out to give you all a glimpse of what truly was transpiring and because of my efforts to disclose this, I was served with a cease and desist and suppression order.
> Those that wanted the truth are the ones who truly lost out on real information, not "intel".
> This very forum had those that came in to challenge and attack as my information did not "vibrate" with them. Whatever the hell that means!
> Yes a deal was negotiated and structured by the group. So many seem to have all the details and have calls weekly discussing it. Albiet they were never apart of any of the negotiations or structuring so how is it they will get the 800#?
> Some time has passed and much has changed since the beginning. How will WF finally roll this out? Who the hell knows, the bank does call us daily nor any guru and tell them all the ins and outs of what is to be. NO ONE knows that definitively. They will keep that a secret until the last minute and I for one do not blame them. This community is rampant with liars and thieves.
> What I can tell you is they are happy with the work done to date and the ability to keep our "mouths shut". Too many talk about what they do not know and the complexities of this event are beyond their grasp and breadth of understanding. Yet this does not keep many from talking and doing calls that obfuscate, mislead and confuse many that look to the carnival barkers for advice.
> Beware of anyone that tells you how you need to handle your exchange that is your business and yours alone. Sending your currencies off for another to handle your business is not a good avenue either. Only you have your best interests at heart. Think someone is your friend, put money out there and see how long the friendship lasts. Send someone your currency and see how long they keep taking your calls.
> When did your purchasing currency ever have a stipulation attached that you need a humanitarian project in order to exchange it. Funny many bought dinar and signed no such affidavit as to such an order. These gurus are short of real information and real answers, many are listening to the same tired diatribe of those less creative than the Renfro Brothers.
> ~Wiley

Moderated Comments

I don't plan to publish Comments in most cases.  You might like to use the comments field to message me, but I don't plan to publish them.  I'm mainly making this blog to share tidbits when I get something that others might like to hear about and that I can share.

Replacement for the "(View only)Mark's..." Skype room

Now that Skype has changed their rooms so that they no longer allow for moderated skype rooms I will use this if I have anything that I can share if you don't want to have to read through normal skype room conversations.